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The Bonfire of the Verities, What Communication Strategies can be Effective in the Fake News Era?
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The Bonfire of the Verities

What Communication Strategies can be Effective in the Fake News Era?



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How to build an effective strategy in an era of permanent misinformation and
mistrust? The multiplication of alternative facts (fake news), the
hysterization of debates, the growing influence of digital devices and the
cult of disruption are undermining decision-makers’ ability to speak out and
act. The media ecosystem has definitely entered the era of the «bonfire of the
verities». For all decision-makers and managers, this means that it is time to
change software. The technological and ideological ecosystem imposes
iconoclastic choices that thwart media illusions, the mirages of permanent
transformation and the smoke screens of ready-to-think. More than ever, we
must have the means to analyze major trends, take a clear look at the world,
define a clear vision, verbalize it and share it. Communication has become
above all a quest for meaning, ethics and intellectual leadership. Through
examples borrowed from politics (Trump, Dominique Strauss-Kahn), sports
(Griezmann, Benzema), pop culture (Game of Thrones, Batman), the economic
universe and digital, this manual presents the mechanisms that govern our
communication societies, and analyzes the good and bad practices. But this
book does not assert experts’ certainties: it reflects on the means to be
implemented to reenchant the public word and fight against the common
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